Schelleng, J.C. (1975). Anomaly in pitch perception. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 57, 249-250

While listening to a violinist, the author noticed that as an accompaniment of hearing loss his perception of the higher pitches deviates from normal by a large musical interval. Pitch is perceived as of separate overlapping components, each with its own dependence of frequency. Over most of the range of the main component, pitch in semitones is proportional to logarithm of frequency as normally expected, but the range (for the left ear) ends at 1.4 kHz, fully exposing a second component about half an octave too high. This in turn ends at 1.8 kHz, exposing a third component higher still. In the lowest octave of the first component, pitch deviates continuously above normal and a fourth component appears below normal. The higher components are damaging to music and of unknown value for speech.